Digital marketing is a very competitive world. As trends shift, marketers have to adapt and grow their digital marketing skills quickly, to keep up with the demand. What does it take to become a guru in this field? Take a look at these core roles/skills you need to learn to master the art of digital marketing.
What is Digital Marketing?
It is marketing any product or service using various digital tools over the Internet and other digital platforms such as mobile phones and display advertising. The right digital marketing framework will help your brand, client, or product become a household name. You’ll need quite a handful of skills to become a successful digital marketer. Here are the most important ones:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is one of the fundamental skills any digital marketer needs to know. Having this in your arsenal will help your clients or business become more visible on search engines, increasing traffic and potential sales.
The scope of SEO may cover anything, from knowing how to write well, generating and using keywords to website localization through international SEO, actual coding, and implementing SEO best practices. While the latter may take some time to grasp well, especially if you’re just learning how to start a career in digital marketing, having a good idea of the basics is a must.
If you need a guide on international SEO and implementation of best practices, you can check out the SEO learning center at Moz.

Social Media Manager
Do love to browse Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter? Have you ever wondered who comes up with those clever posts about your favorite business, celebrity, or brand? Chances are it’s their social media manager.
Aside from posting and managing the community built around your client, this role requires you to be very creative; you also need to stay ahead of emerging trends. Moreover, you’ll have to learn how to analyze the data you gather from digital marketing campaigns. These will help you come up with better strategies to implement in the future.
You can learn how to become a social media manager through online classes available on platforms like Udemy. HubSpot is a good alternative website to learn the craft for free.

Analytics Manager
When it comes to creating the overall direction of marketing campaigns, marketers need valuable data gathered from previous work. And businesses need someone who can interpret all the graphs and numbers for them; this is where the analytics manager comes in.
Data gathered from social media, email campaigns, and website traffic needs to be analyzed so it can be used to your client’s advantage. Marketers rely on the data to come up with solid campaigns that yield better results, day in and day out.
You can get valuable information on how to learn to crunch the numbers on Google’s own Analytics Academy. Best of all, it’s completely free.

Digital Content Writer
Digital content writers take care of the things you see on a website, email, and social media. They come up with witty write-ups and captions to entice the audience to visit a website or check out a product. They also have the ability to come up with attractive and often tempting email campaigns that you see in your inbox. This role needs the skills of an SEO and a social media manager to allow them to create captivating marketing content.
If you want to boost your digital marketing career growth, Udemy offers a free crash course on content writing.

Graphic Designer/Video editor
You’ve probably seen creative marketing images and videos in your timeline. According to HubSpot, videos and images are great ways to attract traffic to your social media or website. That’s why it’s equally important to at least know the basics of graphic design and video editing.
As a digital marketer, having this in your arsenal and the other four skills we’ve listed can turn you into a kickass digital marketing master. InDesign Skills is a good resource for you to learn graphic design, while Filmora WonderShare has the software you need and the tutorials that can help you develop the skills to create awesome videos.
Becoming a master in digital marketing isn’t easy. With these digital marketing courses and resources, you can up your game and get ahead of the competition in no time.
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