It’s more difficult than it should be to find an objective opinion these days. Media mastermind and author A.J. Rice knows this pretty well.
For the most part, in the world of news and current events, many outlets have elected to move past the basic journalistic responsibility of sharing the facts and letting the viewer decide what they mean.
Today, most outlets see themselves as propaganda machines who need to control the minds of the viewers in order to create ideological ring bearers of their own agendas. And a highly emotional audience looking for something, anything, to feel, can do little but lap it up.
The line between fact and opinion in the media journalism universe has become so blurry that most people don’t have the capacity for healthy and objective discussion anymore. Simply utter the name “Donald Trump” and you’ll likely watch your peers real back in an overload of emotions, their minds saturated with feelings of all kinds like a flooded engine, with little regard for engaging in objective, mature discussion.
The so-called “woke” movement is no exception to this phenomenon of the blurring of fact and fiction, of objectivity and opinion, and the tenets of this ideology have been thrust onto common citizens and observers in highly emotionally charged ways, glamorizing the adherents and demonizing those who doubt, with little room for nuanced discussion.
A.J. Rice has brought his extensive media experience, seasoned observations, and ability to articulate complex truths into this volatile information space, with a fresh breath of clarity.
Mr. Rice is CEO of Publius PR, a premier communications firm in Washington D.C. Rice is a brand manager, star-whisperer, and auteur media influencer who has produced or promoted Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Donald Trump Jr., Monica Crowley, Mark Meadows, Marsha Blackburn, Dan Bongino, Charles Krauthammer, and many others.
Rice served as the executive producer to Laura Ingraham for four years, and Monica Crowley for two years. Following that, he produced an investigative news show at The Washington Times for John Solomon for three years called America’s Morning News, and later was brought in by Glenn Beck’s team to help launch The Blaze Radio Network.
Rice has used his brilliance to help bring others to the forefront, including helping authors like Donald Trump Junior surge to the top of the New York Times bestseller list. But he presents himself to the world in a fresh way through his new book, The Woking Dead (a witty calembour of the smash TV series, The Walking Dead).
Many Americans have been reduced to ideological zombies through the narrow indoctrination and crushing social pressure imposed on them by overtly leftist-dominated media and government influences, and it’s high time to re-assert a nation of freedom, independence, critical thought, basic love for neighbor, and ultimately, hope, Rice’s work summarily explains.
One thoughtful review explains, “A.J. Rice steps out from behind the curtain to reveal what he’s been up to, and to show what it will take to save America from the woke zombie hordes on our campuses, dominating Twitter, and increasingly lurking in every HR department in the country – all the way up to the Pentagon.”
Rice is a rare example of an accomplished leader who has humbly played the background for many years, helping others to shine and let their gifts come to fruition such that even if you don’t know him you probably know his work. Now, he takes thoughts and observations that have been marinating for years and lays them out in a distinctly clever, refreshingly hilarious way.
Wokeness is not any one person’s doing, but a virus of sorts that simply moves forward and infects without mercy, Rice explains. Fighting against it requires tactics and tools we must cultivate. The Woking Dead lays the blueprint.
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