The internet has completely revolutionized how to make money. It used to be that you needed to go to college to get a degree that would land you a job that allowed you to live a decent life. However, with the advent of the internet and social media, that is no longer the best way to cement a cushy life. In fact, today, there is a better way. It’s through the world of e-commerce.
Farhan Munshi is not a particularly extraordinary person in the sense of belonging to Mensa or anything like that. He was a typical high school teen. However, what he also had was confidence and motivation. He felt he could achieve anything. His parents seemed to have already figured out his future for him, but it was a future he didn’t want. Instead of becoming a doctor, he wanted to be an entrepreneur and business owner.
Getting his start in the schoolyard selling iPhones and Xboxes, Munshi quickly developed business acumen that led him to start his first online business. Yes, it failed, but it was a great teacher. He learned what works and what doesn’t. Farhan combined the experiential success of his first business venture with the courses and content he read online related to making money.
Being able to find moneymaking opportunities was something Munshi was incredibly good at. Before he established the eight-figure business that he runs today, he dipped his toes into website building and investing in domain names. Farhan knew that the way to truly become successful was to become profitable and scalable.
Another key to success Munshi learned early on was to know when to take calculated risks. In fact, the way he was able to see his eCommerce business explode with growth was by taking advantage of the major social media platforms that allowed ads to be run on them. After some testing, he found that he was getting the best success with Facebook ads. Today, this is still the primary way he gets most of his business.
Learning all about ad buys was a major reason for his company’s growth. Again, using the self-taught tactics he employed earlier in his road to success, he watched YouTube guides and experimented with ads.
Every success story has its fair share of failures. Munshi is no stranger to them. In fact, he lost nearly $20,000 in his early years. However, the lessons he learned were definitely worth it. After all, his company has achieved a whopping $30 million in revenue!
Besides Facebook ads, Munshi partnered with Instagram influencers before they were being used as a major marketing resource. This helped him get an edge over his competitors. The power of Instagram marketing helped his gross monthly sales shoot up from $50,000 to $300,000 in just a few months.
Munshi’s story shows how easy it is to achieve a high level of success if you take the initiative and learn skills that can help you become your own boss, and even a boss for others who help you with scaling your business.
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