Building your own business from the ground up is never an easy accomplishment, nor is it something that happens overnight. There are so many different working parts depending on each other to come together to create a cohesive unit. Of course, all of these aspects are important, but one of the biggest things when growing as an entrepreneur is focusing on the sales aspects of the business.
Ted Miller III, who coached over 25,000 entrepreneurs on business growth, talks about what he’s learnt throughout his years in the business world. Miller and his partner, Chet, wanted to find out how to grow start-up companies and eventually found success in educational workshops. Not only has what he learned through discovering these workshops and the importance of education marketing helped his business, but it’s helped many other entrepreneurs in their own businesses!
From the start of your business journey to experiencing the major growth you want, Miller gives plenty of tips on how you can help your business do the best it can.
Finding Your Beginnings
Miller was surrounded by entrepreneurship at a young age. His family owned a construction company, which inspired his ideas for owning his own business. At 9 his first job was pulling out nails, and eventually by the age of 13 he was operating a bulldozer. By starting out working at a young age and his family influence, Ted had the entrepreneurship characteristics in his blood.
Taking opportunities within your reach – and they don’t have to be as big as working in construction at a young age – instills the mindset of business. Beyond that, working for others and getting the experiences of not being your own boss can even further the growth that you want to gain later on.
And so, Miller wanted that growth, and wondered what he could do to further his productivity. Talking to his family’s financial advisor, Ted, he got the best advice that still follows him today. “I needed some insights from people, like how do I take it to the next level? Because everyone, I was kind of following. I was already outpacing, and I needed some insights and he goes, you’ve got to learn how to sell. Otherwise, you’re never going to be happy financially.”
This was one of the first encounters with people who influenced Miller who wasn’t a mentors or coach. He was a normal man that had an impact with Miller by just interacting with him and treating him with respect. This led him to learn more about sales and the skills he needed to develop to be successful in his own business.
Miller believes that if you’re not into the sales aspect of your business, then you’re never going to improve it or experience growth. You’ve got to spend your time in developing the sales environment you want. “Sales has always been a linchpin for cashflow for every endeavor that any company has ever touched in startup stage.” And with that advice and mentality, Miller himself has accomplished a great deal in his own business.
Starting Your Company
When you’re starting your company, you’ve got to accept that the road isn’t going to be easy. You’re going to be totally pushed out of your comfort zone, and most likely you won’t be successful every time you try something new. However, on the flip side of that is the success and the growth that you desire – it’s the breakthrough that was waiting for you to find it through all the other attempts.
One way that you can be sure that you reach your successes faster is focusing on the people that you’re hiring. “There really [are] only a handful of fast growth strategies that singlehandedly could double our size or company. So, recruiting top producing sales stars is one of them,” says Miller. The people that you are choosing to represent your company will have the largest impact on your potential client; they will make connections and create those long-term relationships that lead to loyalty to your brand.
You want people that work for/with you to have an affinity for your ideal clients. Having large connections and creating a network of people that understand what you want to do and who have experience in the field that you want to focus on an overall increase the development of the business, which could result in growth, sales, and benefits all around.
Growing your Company
“So why people start up their own business…they want freedom and flexibility, AKA independence...[but] that very rarely works well for small budding entrepreneurs or those that are waiting to accelerate through fast growth.” Miller encourages in making policies and building systems within your business/company to build momentum. The system that you’re encouraging should allow innovation, not cap the company and cut its potential short.
Miller uses a process he calls TPA, focusing on calling meetings, getting things accomplished, and workshopping. It allows you “to find ways to be proactive on a weekly basis where you’re tapping into infinite intelligence by having a workshop environment learn.” It provides the people that are working together with you to recognize what they can learn to better the company while also being a business that is greater than just it’s product; it’s creating relationships.
When you’re starting a business, you’ve got to take a lot of chances and risks. However, if you believe in what you’re doing, and you’re using all the opportunities to learn and grow, you’ll prosper – and perhaps accomplish more than you even planned for in the first place.
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