E J Dalius Explains The Ways Technology Is Altering Online Advertising

Advertising is an effective way of connecting customers with the market. Since the digital platform has emerged as a significant market and companies are taking on to the online platform to reach out to their target customers, they need to adapt to the new trends to grab the modern audience. Moreover, the utilization of algorithms for analyzing data has become vital for characterizing the behavior of customers. The use of various online platforms by companies has become a contemporary trend. The advent of Digital media has altered the advertising industry continuously.

Take a look at the following tools of technology for online advertisement.


Almost all the facets of the Internet stay grabbed by automation. In this regard, advertisement is no exception. There are many data and information available on the online platform for customers, which advertisers utilize to build profiles. An algorithm is a way of analyzing the data and putting it into use. By using automated advertising platforms, you may save time and money. Moreover, computerized platforms utilize data by detecting which advertisements are performing well and thereby putting more proposals for those which result in more conversation. Moreover, according to EJ Dalius, these platforms also sell advertising space for websites.

Mobile and Social Media

The social media platform for selling advertisements is a recent phenomenon. Major sites have robust advertising platforms for the purpose. Moreover, around 80% of Internet users engage in social media by using mobile phones. The highest performing advertisements on social media take advantage of Geolocation technology on mobile devices. The use of videos is becoming a growing medium. According to Eric Dalius, videos on social media, blog posts can get more engagement from the target audience. The viewers are more likely to watch as well as share advertisements on mobile. The videos which utilize subtitles in place of sound allow non-disruptive viewing in public places.

Native Advertising

There is a growing demand for native advertising because of the’ changing tastes and preferences, says Eric J Dalius. There is also the rise of adblocking software. The advertisers have to look for creative and new ways to convey their messages to the viewers effectively. It is why advertisers use native advertising packages for offering sponsored articles that blend with the rest of the platform’s content.

Creative Use of Technology

The Internet has enabled innovative and useful advertising to be more effective. It is because it is easier to find and track the target audience for optimal effectiveness. However, marketers should look for innovations in the digital platform by imbibing new technological developments to offer creative advertisements to the target audience.

Each year, entrepreneurs use more technological advances to stay at the top of Web search engines. While preparing marketing campaigns, the proper utilization of technology will help them to conduct online business effectively. Moreover, the virtual assistant numbers will continue to rise if the marketers stay updated with the digital platform’s new trends. Hence, only when you know the impact of technology on advertising, you can grow your business venture.

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