People love their cars up to a specific time after which they feel like discarding it in preference to some new car model. It leads to the habit of changing cars at some intervals. At that point, the question arises about what to do with the vehicle that loses your favor.
Soon after buying a new car, you must think about removing the old one to avoid overcrowding in the property as you might already have some other cars too. Moreover, it does not make sense to carry on with the car that becomes a liability for you.
In such situations, the simplest way to dispose of your unwanted car most smoothly is to declare your car as junk and then sell it to some company that trades in junk cars. However, just saying your car as junk is not enough because you must follow an official procedure to know how to junk a car in Florida.
Your options to sell your used car
The first thing to consider is the condition of the car, whether the car is fit for driving by someone else. If yes, then selling it as a used car is an option provided you are ready to devote time and effort or because the process takes time and a fair amount of marketing skills.
On the other hand, if you want to avoid the hassles, then selling it to some junk car company is a more straightforward solution as the company would pay for the car in cash in the condition it exists.
On contacting the junk car company over the phone or email, they will inspect your car and give an offer. If you accept the offer, the company representative will come to pick up your vehicle against cash payment.
Procedure to junk your vehicle
Presuming that you hold the title of the vehicle registered in your name, the Florida motor vehicles act stipulates the procedure for canceling the title in your name that renders the vehicle junk. Remember that you can junk only registered vehicles.
Provide the title to the salvage dealer after taking your car to the salvage yard. To transfer the vehicle title to the salvage dealer, you must sign the section of the document – Transfer of Title by Seller to confirm the transfer of interest to the seller.
In the absence of the certificate of title, which might be missing, you being the owner, must accurately fill up the form HSMV 82101 that enables the owner to obtain a duplicate certificate of title and follow the instructions listed above the point (a).
The salvage yard will then arrange to junk the title. During this time, you can even surrender your registration or license plate by following its instructions.
Where to surrender the registration/ number plate
You can surrender the registration or number plate to a tax collector’s office in Florida in your locality by submitting the license in person to the local driver’s license office, a license plate agency, or direct mail and Fast Title Services.
When surrendering your registration or number plate by mail, add a cover letter specifying the reason for surrender.
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