The term “Life Purpose Coaching” has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. Professional coaches are assisting successful individuals from all walks of life in enhancing their talents and transitioning to a new stage in their lives. However, few people wonder what the word truly implies.
We sat down with a certified Life Purpose Coach Paul Redding, who has guided us through the history, meaning, and purpose of the concept.
Life Purpose Coaching: Brief History
The origins of the term may be traced back to Hungary. The word “kocsi” in Hungarian means “carriage.”The term was associated with teachers who guided their students towards new rays of knowledge based on their own spiritual experiences. It is from this word that the English “coach” is derived.
Coaching is a process of interaction between a mentor and a client that leads to the attainment of certain objectives as well as the nurturing of formerly dormant skills.
“The goal of coaching is to develop a stronger bond with your inner “I,” so that you can direct your vision, strive for excellence, and find the wisdom within yourself to avoid being influenced by a subconscious “blackmailer” who imposes his own rules without your true self’s consent”, Paul tells us.
“This does not imply that all of your problems will miraculously disappear,” he noted, “but it does mean that you will learn the truly magical trick: to radically change your attitude towards them”.
When asked what a personal coach sets out to do first in order to help his client, Paul shared the following.
Defining Your Ultimate Purpose
“A plan is a basis for change, Bettering ourselves improves the lives of others”, reads Paul’s official website.
You know there’s something you’re supposed to do, but you’re not sure what it is, how to accomplish it, or where to begin. You feel that you have the ability to change this world. You’ve got something special to offer. “You should begin with identifying the true purpose of your soul”, Paul tells us.
“You are what you think, feel, and therefore, attract. So defining your soul’s primary purpose opens up a treasure-trove of subsequent opportunities. This is where I start out with my clients as a coach”, Paul concluded.
Start by asking yourself, he goes on, “If everything in the world were possible and you had all the resources you needed, what would you dream of doing? After giving it some thought, take one small step towards realizing your dream and state it – come up with a phrase that summarizes what your goal is all about. Now say it out loud. Use a piece of paper to take notes of what resources are available to you.”
I wonder how much closer you are to finding your purpose after you’ve said it out loud? Why not sketch it?
Start Your Life-Defining Journey Today
Now you’re probably wondering, what are the more down-to-earth issues that a Life Purpose Coach can assist you with? Paul shared the following list, noting that the value of coach-client interactions is truly limitless.
A Life Purpose Coach can assist you with:
- Making key decisions and developing strategies for success;
- Planning of business, career, and life;
- Tackling fears;
- Gaining self-discipline;
- Forming financial freedom and security;
- Balancing business and personal life;
- Searching for a life partner;
- Starting a business from scratch;
- Achieving a dream life.
And much, much more…
Among Paul’s clients, you’ll find entrepreneurs, executives, top managers, artists, and housewives – all of them strive to achieve their goals using the experiences of their mentor.
If you feel you are in the wrong place right now, you need to kick-start your spiritual transformation by paying a visit to Paul’s official website:
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