Ashish Mandal: One of the Most Successful Tech-Blogger who Believed in his Passion

Ashish Mandal, 26 years is a Diploma Holder in Mechanical Engineering, but what makes him special is his technical knowledge particularly related to gadgets and technology. His flair for writing mixed with his passion has made him one of the most successful tech-blogger in West Bengal.

His website attracts millions of users because of its latest and detailed information related to computers and mobiles. His website is one of the most visited tech-blogs

Ashish Mandal belongs to a middle-class family from Islampur, West Bengal. He was an average student with a curious brain. He always wanted to know about the detailed features of the latest computers, laptops, and mobiles, but as a young boy, he had no idea that his passion is taking him in which direction.

Like any other average boy, he completed his education (Diploma in Mech. Engg.) and started working in a private firm. During the job, he got to know about blogging and how to make it a successful profession. He started practising writing blogs and over a year became proficient in it.

Ashish says “I researched thoroughly about how to write blogs that attract right and good traffic, I also studied a lot about all the latest mobile and computer technology, which is anyway my passion.” After working for a year when he felt confident he left the job and very soon launched his own website

His blogs reflect his depth of knowledge. Ashish says “ Blogging is not as easy as people think it is. It is not about writing few points and getting success. Hundreds of people write blogs in each niche every day, but not everyone becomes successful. One really needs to understand what information to provide and how. Timing is also extremely important because, in fast pace digital world, information becomes outdated very quickly.

Presenting a well-knit tech blog includes both art and technology. There is lots of competition as well. It is kind of a 24*7 job, but I enjoy it for it is my passion and working for self gives a sense of freedom and adventure.” provides information on the most recent features of all the latest gadgets from brands like Apple, Samsung, Vivo, BenQ, LG, Sony and more. Each blog is a piece of art backed with technology.

This is the reason that the value earning of Akash has quickly risen to 5 figures. He advises ‘ Blogging is for everyone, provided you know how to do it the right way and make it profitable.”

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