Attaining a successful personal and professional life looks tough for many as they are unable to carve the right path that leads to it. One might have his hands full of plans and goals, but they might not know the right way to approach it, to accomplish them. Despite all, they are not able to crack the code and get to their desired positions at the right time.
Omid Kazravan, renowned international speaker, best-selling author, and a top sales coach, who also happens to be an entrepreneur, says that a majority of people want to attain a glorious life but fail to reach there in spite of working towards it diligently. The major reason is the fear to fail or lack of self belief and confidence which comes as a roadblock, cutting short their journeys.
There are limitations aplenty that breaks them down before they reach their destinations, and that’s the reason experts like Omid help those whose journeys have retarded owing to the wrong moves or strategies they apply in their lives.
How he wrote his success story?
26-year-old Omid has himself implemented a robust plan which has helped him embrace success, and now he wants to share the same with those who are lacking behind or are unable to make it in life. According to him, there’s a secret ingredient that helps you tide through the rough weather and that is to never give up, no matter what, and keep pursuing your dreams.
Omid has always dwelled deep into the subject of knowing why people make their decisions, right or wrong, and this made him learn more about the subject to eventually find an answer that has helped him tide through the toughest of times and reach where he wanted to be in life. He has been closely following experts like Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Brendon Burchard, Roger Love, Wayne Dyer and many more since the age of 12, which has helped him grasp the nitty-gritty’s of their respective subjects to the core.
The journey till date:
People would find his story unbelievable, as he started off as a car salesman, eventually selling an impressive lot of cars. He learnt one major concept of selling while at the dealership that achieving great sales targets is not about forcing people to buy your product, but it lies in letting them choose themselves. This principle pushed Omid to attain optimum levels and rise to the top, breaking records.
This successful stint further made him pen an international best-selling book called “Always Be Closing”, which shared his secrets of being a top class sales expert. Omid had been honing his oratory skills right since his early days, travelling different cities, delivering sales training to real estate agents across the US.
His talent was noticed by Tony Robbins, and he became a national speaker for Tony Robbins, advising executives, managers and sales professionals in the areas of personal and professional achievement and sales mastery. Later he left Robbins, moving to California to build a solar company, where he simultaneously co-founded one of the largest blockchain gaming guilds in the space with a humongous employee base of 2300. Presently, he is looking forward to work on raising global minimum wage through blockchain gaming.
To know more, connect with him on Instagram @kazravan.
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