How can you use Facebook for Influence Marketing

Influence marketing or Influencer Marketing is a form of Digital Marketing in which businesses reward an influencer to promote the company’s products on their social media channels. This process can be very effective because most online buyers are influenced by the opinions of other people.

Today, more and more companies are establishing relationships with influential people, including celebrities, bloggers, and micro-influencers, who can impact the purchase decisions of their followers and friends.

“Influence marketing is a way to make your brand more successful through word-of-mouth and social media.

With an influencer leading the conversation, brands discover creative ways to build relationships that inspire everyone—the audience as well as people who are passionate about the brand,” writes Aaron Agius. 

As expectations rise daily, businesses need to think beyond old media models and invest in new ways of marketing or be left behind. Social media platforms have changed how consumers interact with each other and how they influence purchase decisions. For example, 54 percent of people listen to what their friends recommend.

So how can you use Facebook to influence marketing? 

Build your influencer network based on micro-influencers:

With Facebook being a highly popular platform, it comes with the bonus of having lots of opportunities for people to start following you. Micro-influencers are people with less than 50,000 followers.

For businesses, it is very important to get the right people talking about their products because these are the ones who have influence over others. 

This strategy makes marketing on social media much more cost-effective by letting you focus your efforts on a smaller number of loyal followers.

Use Facebook ads:

Even though this is one of the most expensive ways to increase your fan base, it is an effective way to get people directly involved. The goal here is not just to increase your number of fans but also to engage with them and get their attention. 

If you want to boost your post organically you can use Facebook ads to target people that are more likely to be interested in your product. 

The key with Facebook ads is to ensure there is a clear call to action in each ad you create. This will make it easier for people who see your post or ad to take action, which might be joining your community or subscribing to your blog.

Create Facebook groups:

Just like you can create communities on your blog, you can also create them on Facebook. People are more likely to join a community if they are able to interact directly with other influencers or friends within it. 

This is valuable because once people feel comfortable in the group, they might be willing to take the next step and start following you on other platforms.

Create valuable content:

This is the most important step in order to make people take notice of your brand and want to be involved with it. The only way for someone to see your value is by providing good value first. 

For example, if you own a website about healthy food, the posts you create should be about healthy foods or recipes.

By creating valuable content, people will begin to wonder who you are, which gives you the opportunity to tell them more about yourself. As they get to know your brand better through your blog posts and social media updates, they will want to take that next step of following you on other platforms. 

The more you engage people with your valuable content, the more likely they are to want to be involved.

Be patient:

The most important point here is that social media is not an overnight process. You need to create a strategy and follow it in order for things to work out. 

People do not usually immediately go from liking a page to sharing posts or becoming a follower.

This is because it takes time for them to build the trust they need first in order to take part of your brand. If you are patient and create good content, people will soon begin following you on other platforms as well. 

It’s also very important that you engage with all your followers. This shows that you care about what they have to say and makes them feel important as well.

Incentivize your influencers:

In order to encourage your influencers, it is a good idea for businesses to create campaigns that require them to share or promote their brand in some way. 

This can be done by creating a contest where the influencers will have to share their posts with a certain number of people, or by asking them to create videos about your product.

The more creative you are when coming up with these campaigns, the better results you will get in return.

Social media is all about creating engagement and showing people that they matter. By doing this you will be able to bring in more people and make them want to participate.

 John right says, who is currently leading the influence marketing team at Freetechexams, Having good influencers in your corner is not only important for your brand, but it also has the power to take your business further than you could ever imagine. 

It’s about creating engagement by making sure that influencers care about what they are promoting and that they feel like your brand values them. 

All you need to do is give influencers the chance of getting involved, and be patient with the process. 

This is how you can use Facebook to influence marketing in order to grow your business.

Pros of using Facebook for influence marketing:

Facebook has literally every data you need to know about your consumers which makes it an effective tool for marketing. It’s easy to use and it’s been around for as long as we can remember which means that a lot of people are already familiar with its features. 

It has the tools to help you reach out to consumers through ads and boosting posts. It also allows you to gain insights about your consumers through their likes, interests, comments, and even their basic personal details like age, gender, and location. This is crucial when it comes to personalized marketing.

Very easy to use and has options for both business and personal accounts

As mentioned earlier, a lot of people are already familiar with how Facebook works so this makes it easier for your consumers to navigate through the platform.

You can also gain insights into your consumers which allows you to create personal and targeted marketing methods.

Cons of using Facebook for influence marketing:

With all those tools available on Facebook, it’s quite tricky to make the most out of them especially if you’re not technologically inclined. This can be a problem as time is of the essence when it comes to social media marketing.

The analytics tools on Facebook require a lot of time-consuming processes before you can get the information that you need.

If your influencer marketing campaign is conducted through personal accounts, your posts might not reach as many people as you expect, especially if they don’t follow you.

There’s also this new algorithm on Facebook which prioritizes the posts that your consumers deem important and relevant to their interests. This means that it can be difficult to reach out to them especially if you’re not popular on the platform.

And because of this algorithm, you might find yourself spending more time promoting posts than creating engaging content for your influencer marketing campaign.


Facebook is a good option to use when it comes to influencer marketing. However, making the most out of it requires time and patience. If you feel that you have the resources for this platform, then by all means give it a go!

But if you think it’s not for you, there are other options available so don’t worry.

And as a final note, it’s important to know your consumers and their preferences. This will help you determine which platform will be most effective for your social media marketing.

This is a Contributor Post. Opinions expressed here are opinions of the Contributor. Influencive does not endorse or review brands mentioned; does not and cannot investigate relationships with brands, products, and people mentioned and is up to the Contributor to disclose. Contributors, amongst other accounts and articles may be professional fee-based.

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