Reckonsoft Explains 5 Ways to Rank in Google

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The internet is a terrific place to find information; however, with over 3.5 billion websites on the World Wide Web, you’re going to need a little help in order to find what you’re looking for. One of the most effective ways to get your website in front of potential customers is through sponsored posts and digital marketing.

You can even use Google AdWords to take advantage of its targeting capabilities and make sure your ad appears when your potential customer has an active interest in your product or service.

What is a sponsored post?

A sponsored post is a post that the content provider pays the blogger to publish on their site. The blogger can publish it as-is or rewrite it, but the key is that the blog will have either be paid for by the company/brand or offer them something else in return, such as free products for review. The term often used is a free product in return for a review.

When bloggers post sponsored content, they use a disclosure statement, such as Our family received a product/service mentioned in exchange for our honest review. While it has not affected our review, we only chose to write about items

Where can I find sponsored blog posts to advertise on?

Sponsored posts typically take the form of advertorials. Some men and women purchase sponsored content to promote products, services, or even themselves. They are often labeled as “sponsored” or “advertorial.” The first place you should look for sponsored posts is on Google Adwords. You can also contact advertising agents or other websites that make money selling ad space.

Where should I put my sponsored blog post?

This is a question that we get asked all the time. We’ve created this guide to answer it once and for all. 

The best place to promote your sponsored post is in the content on your own site or blog. This is because Google penalizes you if you link to your own content from other sites, and it can make you look like you are gaming the system. If you publish something about a topic and put a link with an offer at the end of the article, then people will come down and buy that product when they’re ready, rather than being pushed into buying prematurely with an up-front banner advert.

What can I do with the content of my sponsored blog post (i.e., cut and paste)?

There’s a very big difference between sponsored blog posts and organic blog posts. The differences are seen not only in the visibility of the post but also in how it ranks. With an organic post, you can publish a high-quality post that is no longer relevant and have it continue to rise in relevance over time. A sponsored blog post, on the other hand, is a one-time deal.

How much does it cost for a sponsored blog post?

The cost of sponsored blog posts varies from company to company. You can find some companies that will do a basic blog post for as low as $59. On the other end of the spectrum, some companies charge about $200 for a single blog post.

How Reckonsoft helps with sponsored posts

Reckonsoft is a branding agency that offers a wide range of marketing services, including brand development, social media management, and sponsored posts. The company’s main goal is to help those who need an extra push with their business.

They will create the perfect campaign plans for you, bringing you increased exposure through different types of advertising. Mainly they are partnered with,,,,,, and many more. Here they provide sponsored posts to their clients for 50% less price than compared to the market. 


Sponsored posts are an easy way to rank in Google with just a few clicks. You can also tailor your sponsored post to the audience you want to reach, and it will show up on their feed whether they’re looking for content related to your topic or not.

To contact Reckonsoft, you can visit their website or over to their linked page.

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