When considering an agency, you want to make sure you get the partnership that benefits your business in several ways. You need both the big ideas as well as a positive relationship. The agency needs to know what KPIs are valuable and keep your startup on a continuous track to success with its online media.
You must find an agency that you can partner with and ensure to get the most out of your marketing budget. According to Aaron Branch, author of the book “The First 365”, while skills and experience are essential, you still want an easy and conducive personality you can deal with. You need to ensure you choose an agency that aligns with your business objectives and is dedicated enough to propel your business to years of success.
Finding a quality Agency partnership
Below, Aaron Branch, CEO of Social Agendas, a successful online media strategy, and advertising agency, shared some valuable tips on finding a quality ad agency to partner with.
1. Know Who Will Handle Your Account
Do not assume the importance of knowing who will be working on your account. You have to be careful not to be billed at top management rates only for your account to be handled by junior-level talent.
2. Methodology And Execution
Assess their management system and execution to attain their goals. Understand the agency’s methodology and how it all fits along with your own team’s.
3. Their Story And Culture
The ideal agency should have a brand story that communicates how and why they started the company. Find out what motivates them today and what sets the firm apart. If you’re aiming for a long-term partnership, look into their company culture. Ensure they’re passionate about their work, agency, and most importantly, their relationship with you.
4. Quality Of Service
Anyone worth their ad agency will understand and support needs. The agency industry’s foundation is service, but an ideal firm will research and understand the client’s goals to nurture long-standing partnerships.
5. Reliability
Will your agency deliver the job as promised? Will they be available for your business if you have amendments or questions or if your priorities change? Ensure to speak with references, and inquire if the agency has delivered as agreed on all services and whether the personnel is accessible and helpful to them as clients.
6. Knowledge Of Your Industry
A common mistake that startups make when hiring external marketing agencies is considering firms that aren’t knowledgeable about their industry. It would make a huge difference if a tech company was represented by a tech marketing agency that understands clients’ products, services, and industry trends. Avoid getting lured by great marketing tactics. Save your money, time and make the right choice from the get-go. After all, you don’t go to the dermatologist when you have a tooth problem, do you?
Aaron Branch and his 20+ in-house staff of advertising experts helped over 200 businesses scale and multiplied their bottom line in 2020. Head over to Social Agendas and find out how you can partner and propel your business forward.
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