Social Media is a powerful medium which has the potential to break all barriers and catapult brands and businesses to dizzying heights if used in the right manner. Many trying to use the medium in the wrong way have failed miserably in spite of spending a fortune on marketing budgets because of ineffective and inaccurate methods. The right approach is extremely important to succeed, and who knows this better than Lennart, who has taken many of his clients business profits hit the roof through his strategic marketing planning.
His initial years in business were full of struggles and failures. As an inexperienced young lad who wanted to grab it all, without any knowledge or know how of running a digital business was bound to fall flat on his face, without any doubt. He started his foremost venture, a social media agency while still at high school which failed miserably. He realised that there is no shortcut to success, and one had to put in a lot of hard work and dedication in order to succeed. He dedicated himself completely into learning and gaining in depth knowledge about the business and after years of dwelling deep into studying about how the social media mechanism works he started his second innings which was a raging success. He mastered the art of building social media following, specially on Instagram, directly impacting the audience reach and improving sales.
Presently, Lennart owns 17 brands which have a humongous follower base of more than 3.1 million and the numbers are rapidly growing with each passing day. Two of digital world’s biggest names are owned by him namely ‘IG Elites’ which is the biggest Instagram Education Platform in the world and ‘LPA Media LLP, which is a Digital Marketing agency having big brands and celebrities under their roof. People would be surprised to know that they have no physical offices and operate with the help of talented team members who work from across the globe remotely. Lennart proudly says, “We are the only company whose marketing is made in Germany and employees are experts who are hand picked from different continents.”
One of the major achievements about Lennart’s business which makes it unique and distinct from others is that they have grown from ‘0’ to a strong follower base of ‘3,100,000’ within a span of one year, which is exceptional. The fast pace with which Lennart’s companies are marching ahead, they are bound to reach the top position in the near future, for sure!
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