Ayman Assi is one of those car lovers who dream about cars and making different facilities available for fellow car lovers. Ayman Assi has dreamt about cars ever since his childhood days. He used to watch cars and plan what all different things can be done so that the car owners can enjoy even while their car is cleaned at “The Dash.” People love their cars just like their babies and would love to watch them getting cleaned, so that’s when Assi came up with an outstanding idea.
Assi has his plans ready and set for his unique idea of The Dash. The Dash is going to be an exotic car salon and will be located in the North West London. But not just any ordinary car salon where people come to wash their cars, it is going to a brand unique exotic car salon which will offer a variety of things which will include various services such as a quick car wash, car detailing, an indoor and outdoor lounge. The best and most unique part is the Lounge. People can have their coffee and snack in the lounge while watching their car being treated with their professionals. The Dash will also have a car club where people can take memberships and enjoy the facilities of The Dash.
During the world pandemic, when everyone was worried about the economy and their business, Assi, instead of worrying about other issues, decided to think something out of the box. Assi did not stop from taking the chance of changing a problem into an opportunity. He gave all his time and thoughts on planning The Dash. He knows how to make the most out of everything. He decided to invest in a brand unique concept The Dash. Assi has his plans ready for 2021.
According to Assi, there will be a grand opening for The Dash in early 2021 where all the different supercars will be there. The Dash will be a trending name among all the car lovers as they will also have a car club where members can meet and plan for different events within the UK & Europe. The Dash definitely shows Assi’s love and passion for cars.
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