One of the best ways to grow a business and reach more commercial success is to grow your own personal brand, in order to reach new people – and new heights! Yet many entrepreneurs seem to flounder in this department, often not knowing where to start or how to go about growing their personal brand.
Whereas for other areas, such as marketing, we have more “obvious” rules and tips, a personal brand is a very hit or miss sort of subject, and what works well for someone might prove a total disaster for someone else.
Enter Barion McQueen, founder of The Brand Castle, and personal brand assistant. A hustler and entrepreneur in his own right, McQueen specializes in building businesses and other entrepreneurs up and setting them up to succeed.
“Everyone has a story to tell.”
And it is people like McQueen who help people tell that story. With an incredible and seemingly limitless dedication to his craft, McQueen approaches every one of his projects as if it were his first. By that we mean that he brings limitless energy and bounces around ideas, tossing and turning until he finds just the right idea to help that particular client succeed.
Firmly convinced that no two businesspeople are the same, Barion McQueen has maintained and honed his fine eye for authenticity for many years now. This is what has helped him rise to the top of the personal branding game – precisely this ability to spot what makes a person or business stand out, and propel them forward, using their authenticity as their own supreme advantage.
As a longstanding businessman, contributor, writer, and best-selling author in his own right, McQueen have the unique skill set required to tell a wide array of different stories, being able to flesh out and capitalize on the subtleties and fine details that he knows will make his clients shine in their best light.
Personal branding is a key to larger success.
Another reason to choose personal branding in order to develop your own brand or business is that people relate to individuality, rather than faceless corporations. Barion McQueen applies all the lessons he’s gleaned in his years doing this job and puts them to the test for you. He makes you a person people and magazines want to know and interview largely because of the image he helps you build – that of a self-assured, highly reputable, and trustworthy businessperson. A mentor. Someone who has made it. And everyone wants to be around someone who has made it.
As a personal branding and marketing maverick, Barion McQueen gets your name and your voice in all the major publications dealing with your specific niche. Then, he uses those as a direct launching pad into the homes of millions of fellow entrepreneurs and plain folk, who might be interested in your brand and area of work.
And we know, we make it sound easy, but that’s just because Barion McQueen is good at what he does – helping people shine their best light, to reach worldwide and often critical success.
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