“Coaching certifications does not immediately make one a professional coach in my opinion. There needs to be consistent practice and actual results to merit that.”
Indeed, being a professional coach goes beyond the actual certification process. This was the exact sentiment of Professional Global Master Coach Myke Celis, who’s considered as a Unicorn and one of the most influential names in the coaching industry to date across the world, thanks to his global coaching platform across multimedia, #bestmeever.
Nowadays, it’s easy to get certifications online and a lot of them are quite on the cheap side. Pay as low as $10 USD and you can be certified as a life coach. And this has drawn in a lot of curious and willing individuals who want to embark on that journey.
Celis, who’s been mentoring aspiring coaches globally under his apprenticeship program, has always been vocal about fully investing in one’s self.
The international best-selling author of 5 inspirational titles to date has this to say:
I’ve always believed in paying premium for quality. My take: if you want to be the best, train with the best. Don’t get me wrong, you may want to start off with something that you can afford, but eventually, consider investing in something more if you’re really serious about the practice.
Don’t shortchange yourself and your clients. You deserve to learn and grow with the best. It’s not like you can invest in $10 only and expect that you earn thousands of dollars there after. It requires a whole lot of work and love for the craft.
Counting his immense experience in the industry, Celis acknowledges the growth and requirement of life coaching in today’s world. Drawing his inspiration from his own experiences when he was starting, Myke highlights the importance of research and investing on one’s coach mentor.
He further elucidates, “If you are planning to get your certification, make sure your research is more about the institution’s details, faculty and training programs rather than the job prospects. Check on the background of the person/institution behind the certification: what are the credentials? Are they part of the International Coach Federation (ICF) or any reputable coaching organization? Do they have notable graduates and verifiable success stories? Is the culture within the organization healthy? How can you practice beyond the theories? – these are just some of the questions you may reflect on as you choose what’s best for you.”
Coach Myke also shares his take on the importance of choosing one’s coach strategically.
He adds, “I would like to point out though that more than the certification program, it’s really the mentoring sessions which helped me fine-tune my practice and grow as a coach along the way. I mean learning the basics is one thing, practicing them is another. To be able to coach, you must also be willing to get your own coach to get a full experience from both side of the fence.”
He continues by saying “So I chose to invest in my own Master Coaches (foreigners) who can walk the talk and have the credentials and results to show and those who are in alignment with my own goals and core values. I am not keen on working with people who merely copy paste information and pass it off as their own. Another thing that’s very important for me is the rapport I have with my own coaches – we must be able to get along perfectly fine to keep me inspired all through out my journey even when the going gets tough. I like my coaches to be transparent and consistent – I make it a point to check if they’re the same person I see on their social media and personal pages and offline.”
As a renowned coach of a number of highly accomplished people world wide, Celis explains the value in choosing what resonates most with one’s core values and practice, “As a master coach of three disciplines (Life Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Timeline Therapy), I don’t limit myself when it comes to my professional practice. Different disciplines work best with different people, and I just try to be open to learning and practising it and then curating my own programs based on what I am comfortable with and with what I believe will work best for my clients.”
Myke has been fostering growth and inspiration for years now as a recognized thought leader in the coaching industry and he candidly admits that his journey has not been an easy one but certainly a rewarding one.
Recollecting the importance of learning, Myke’s coaching includes some unique methods to introduce his coach mentees to real-world experiences. “For my mentorship program, I allow my coachees to have a free hand in developing their own programs and packages tailor fitted to the niche they are meant to serve. It should be all about them, not me. I am just there to guide them towards the best they can be. To see them succeed in their practice, from getting their first client to becoming 6-digit coaches themselves makes my heart overflow with pride and joy. More than enough reward for me.” This speaks of the humility and security of the person who only wanted to bring out the best in others while he was starting out as a coach himself.
Global Master Coach Myke Celis passes on his wisdom to aspiring coaches as they embark on their professional coaching journey this way:
Anchor yourself on your ‘Why’ and always give your best. Be patient with your journey and celebrate wins, big or small, along the way. Get certified by only the best and most reputable institutions and be willing to invest in yourself and your growth by getting yourself a mentor who can help you navigate strategically in your coaching journey. Make sure to surround yourself also with a highly supportive coaching community to amplify your progress. You are the best investment you can make, so don’t scrimp on yourself.
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