Bharat Singh, a successful entrepreneur and social media’s king of fitness. With his knowledge of understanding how social media and how important fitness is, he has won trust among people in his early twenties.
The reason Bharat decided to get into social media management was fitness. Through the exposure he gets there, Singh wanted to talk about health, exercise, workouts and a healthy life. As someone who hails from Uttar Pradesh, Bharat had good contacts with popular bodybuilders, fitness models and political personalities.
Knowing these renowned people played a major part in building the credibility that’s required for an entrepreneur. All this experience and knowledge helped in growth in a way that today, he manages the fitness social media accounts of world famous personalities. Along with handling these social accounts, he works as a fitness consultant for many celebrities.
Bharat Singh also made sure his work gets enough exposure. He did that with online brand presence and designed campaigns brands, multinationals, influencers, politicians, businessmen, and celebrities.
About social media and how it can be hsed to win people, Bharat says that social media has seen a sharp increase in use during the pandemic. Due to social distancing measures encouraged by many governments, many people have joined different social media platforms. According to him, this is the best time to make the most of what one can do with social media.
How does he feel to be successful and well-known as this young age? Bharat Singh said, “I am myself a fitness freak. I wanted to help others when they are confused about health and guiding others for social awareness. Not everyone has an idea what’s best for them. So I decided to get into social media management to spread the importance of health and social awareness. I am glad it worked out.”
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