Hailing from Serbia, Marko Filipovic moved to the United States in 2018. His initial goal was to focus on his career as a magician. In 2019, he fell in love with the idea of working on his agency and helping grow their business.
So when 2020 started, he started his journey to creating agencies that help entrepreneurs like him earn more and market their brands on a global scale.
Learning a New Trade
To shift to his new career, Filipovic started by reading books and watching courses to get more knowledge and experience.
Since then, Filipovic has been able to open three agencies, made it to 40,000 a month, invented his own systems and ways of executing services, worked with more than 150 people, and coached 40 people, all the while facing the highs and lows of being an entrepreneur.
“Now after all those ups and downs, hard work, and learning, I have gotten to be a 17-year-old, working from my phone, earning around 10,000 a week. It has truly been a journey on which I met a lot of people and on which I had a lot of great experiences!” the young entrepreneur shared.
Helping Other Entrepreneurs Reach Their Goals
With his agency, Golden Gate Growth Agency, Filipovic has found a new way for entrepreneurs to get paid and to take their business globally.
“I am also working on putting out my new seven-day agency program, which is made to help a true beginner or a professional entrepreneur start having a full-time income from their phone within 30 days,” the entrepreneur said.
Throughout the duration of his career, Filipovic has learned that there are various things and knowledge that every person has to bring to the table. He also considers seeing someone who you worked with reach their goals and dreams as the best feeling in the world.
Filipovic shares that he feels elated whenever people who he worked with come up to him and thank him for the work he has done to help them become the person they want to be career-wise, rather than being stuck at home or in their regular average-paying jobs.
For more information on Golden Gate Growth Agency, visit its website or its Instagram account (@goldengategrowthagency).
Get to know more about Marko through his Instagram account (@thisismarkofilipovic).
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