Bergman Design House started 2016 and the excitement and anticipation was real! Marie Soliman and Albin Berglund were both directors in very respected design firms in the interior design industry and had many awards before launching their own business.
“As interior architects, we both thought having a design business is all about talent, let me tell you absolutely NOT! It’s not as straight forward as we thought. Suddenly we were the ones who must pay and secure salaries for others!
We had to learn so much about finance, invoicing, HR, new business development, insurance, how to build a name and trust with new clients and why would they choose you and not the 20 year old well-known firms? Marketing, PR, networking and most importantly how to have a strong digital print.
Building a new business was about test and error, who to surround yourself with and where to get advice from. It’s a navigating process, it’s been such a ride!
Of course, one problem familiar to so many entrepreneurs including us, especially those getting started, is that we found ourselves with too many passions and often seeking perfection whilst some others are fortunate to have a singular mission that drives them day in day out.
We had to learn that finding our niche market is so essential for success, studying your competition, who is your perfect client to work with, what the market is lacking, and how you would add value.”
Bergman Design House Founders, Marie Soliman and Albin Berglund, were determined to adapt their business strategy and to learn the market and how bring something new to the table by partnering and collaborating with other firms in order to maximise the benefit and experience for the client.
“We had to also learn that nothing happens in one day! It’s a daily journey of persistence to achieve success and never to expect a pat on the back.
Vague goals! It’s a universal struggle for any new business.
This is when we learnt to evaluate and regroup, ask yourself what am I working toward? what is this ultimately about and what do I want to achieve in my first three years of business?Keep asking these questions in order to keep evolving.”
Keeping things lean, Marie Soliman shared that they had gained more profit in their first year by far more than the third year because the team was lean and that taught them to never expand too quickly. ‘A big healthy project and a lean team isway better than a big team and lean projects’.
Whatever stage of the game you are at, there’s tremendous wisdom to glean from others who hacked, hustled and harangued their way to the top.
“Productivity, as an entrepreneur there are almost never enough hours in the day” Marie Soliman says. Time is our most valuable commodity, managing it skilfully can become your most powerful asset.
Work smart, not hard.
Launching a new business is like having a new born.
“In my case I got to a point where I was having trouble sleeping, I was stressed, dwelling on very small details until one day I had decided that enough is enough.” Pick the right client for your business as it will benefit you in the long run. Usually, small jobs are the ones with huge problems and unnecessary struggle.
Start now.
- Create and do a small amount of quality work and put ideas into the world.
- Be patient to see them morph and grow.
“The journey doesn’t stop here, 5 years this year and we are expanding, learning, launching new exciting business. Winners learn from the best and surround themselves with the best” Albin Berglund says, “so make sure you have the best team. They are our asset at Bergman Design House”
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