How FAB CBD Founder Josh Delaney is Defining Success

Josh Delaney

What have you sacrificed to build FAB CBD?

 Working 14 or 15 hours a day isn’t cool. Society has really hyped up what it’s like to be an entrepreneur, but the fact is, I don’t enjoy working that much. I’m not sure anyone does. I’ve lost friends over it. There were periods of my life where I didn’t drink or go out because I was so stressed. The anxiety is constant.

Whether you’re pushing for a $100M deal or $1000 to pay your rent, that anxiety is the same. It’s overwhelming. But you put in the 15-hour days and you take on this anxiety because you believe that you have a problem to solve that will help a lot of people.

You believe it’s so important that you sacrifice your physical and mental health to solve it. At the end of the day, you’re fighting for a mission. You hope that the outcome will employ people and help your customers. That’s why you take this on.

 How do you define success?

 Truly being able to express myself in whatever way I choose. I’m building an internet business where I’m not the face of the company. I can present myself however I want, dress however I want, and have an image that fits me without impacting my business. I’m not my business and my business is not me.

When they’re treated like one entity, I believe that’s where you get into trouble. You struggle with your own identity because when you go to one meeting, you need to have this identity. When you want to close another deal, you need to present yourself this way.

You have to be a certain person to sell your products, and you lose yourself in that. My happy place is in sweatpants, sweatshirts, and a nice pair of Jordans. And that doesn’t change no matter what my company is up to, because I’m not the face of it.

What’s your advice to others looking to do what you’ve done?

Stop questioning yourself. Stop wondering whether or not you know enough, have enough money, or have everything right. Pick something to work on and get to work. If it fails, then move onto the next idea. But don’t stop moving.

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