If you work in an office, there’s a good chance you will spend a lot of the day sitting down. As a result, your posture might not be what it once was. What’s good posture got to do with good business, though?
Well, if you have a team of employees who take care of themselves and work hard to maintain good posture, they’ll be a lot happier, both physically and mentally, which in turn will provide your business with a strong look.
Your business is only as good as your employees, so happy employees = good business.
What’s the Big Deal With Posture?
So, why will your body thank you for having good posture, then? Good posture has many benefits, including supporting your bones and muscles. When your joints and bones are aligned well, this helps your muscles to work better.
If they aren’t, then your muscles can become stressed and strained, which can lead to a whole host of different back problems.
Good posture can also help your body maintain good energy levels. This is because it doesn’t have to work as hard to limit strain on your muscles and joints. It can distribute your energy more evenly, allowing for general health and well-being.
When your employees are maintaining good posture, they’re keeping their health in check at the same time. This means that they’re less likely to get sick and less likely to affect your business’s productivity.
Ideal Posture Positions
So, what are the best posture positions to be in when you’re in the office? Let’s take a look:
- Feet: keep your feet nice and flat on the ground and try to avoid crossing your legs for an extended period of time. This is because crossing your legs can have a negative effect on circulation, which is going to help your energy be distributed evenly.
- Spine and Back: make sure that your back is curving out toward your chair where your shoulders are, and again where the base of your spine meets the chair. Try to sit evenly on both legs, to avoid issues with circulation and muscle strain.
- Standing: if you happen to use a standing desk at work, your posture is going to look a little different than if you were sitting. Remember not to lock your knees, and keep your weight on the balls of your feet. Keep your shoulders stretched back towards your spine.
The Right Treatments for Back Pain
While you might be keen to get your posture back in line, after years in an office, you might already suffer from back pain. If this is you, then you’re probably looking for a viable treatment. Let’s talk about it:
- Medication: there are plenty of options out there in terms of pain medication that can help you temporarily manage your back issue. If the pain is acute and you need something to help you cope with the day to day, opt for an over-the-counter pain relief medication that can keep the discomfort at bay while you figure out a more permanent treatment with a medical professional.
- Physical Therapy: physical therapy and chiropractic therapy is a great, non-invasive way to approach back pain. Your chiropractor or physical therapist will also be able to diagnose the issue so that you can get to the root of it and treat it accordingly.
- Back Massage: if your back pain is muscle-related, then getting a back massage is a great way to keep on top of the discomfort on an ongoing basis. Check out the best back massagers at The Wired Shopper for back pain relief in the comfort of your own home.
Final Thoughts
Nobody likes the idea of suffering from back pain or discomfort. If you work in an office all day and sit in a chair, there’s a good chance that this is the source of your back pain. If you are lucky enough not to be experiencing back pain yet, then now’s the time to get your posture straightened out, so that you can prevent future issues.
While it might take a little while to get back into the swing of things, your body will thank you for it – and remember that happier employees mean that the company does better, overall.
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