Consistent creators hold tight to one constant when all is falling apart and when all is thriving, and that is foolishness.
Foolishness is in the doing. It’s an ability to embrace ideas, opportunities, and paths that we know are impractical and will break us down. Being foolish is doing what the majority would call stupid, senseless, or a waste of time.
Stupidity and feelings of insufficiency can be fuel for innovation if you let them be. Great creators don’t spend as much time trying to discover their way to creativity as they do creating their way to discovery.
Constant creators like to remain in a state of constant wonder. The kind of wonder that worries less about the ‘whats’ and is more inclined to explore the what-ifs. Not just mentally explore. Physically explore. As a creator, you must lean into this.
I recently met a few individuals who perfectly embody this principle through my new video series and book, The Spark And The Grind. The inspiration that goes into creating an idea and then the work it takes to make that idea a reality.
Here’s what the act of staying foolish means to them.
Nonconformity with Fly By Midnight
Being an artist calls for foolishness through vulnerability. For Fly By Midnight, a retro-pop duo from New York, that means allowing themselves to embrace making mistakes.
“It’s one of those things where you can’t be afraid to make fun of yourself, take risks, be vulnerable—to really put yourself out there and be foolish. Yeah, and there will be people who latch onto you as a person and never try to conform. I think conforming is a big part of staying foolish, too. I think there’s so much room for individuality and uniqueness in the world that you’ve just got to find your niche.
“Being in the social spotlight, you open yourself up to public judgment from time to time, but that’s all part of the job,” they said. “There are always going to be people who love it and always people who hate it. There are definitely people who didn’t get it at first and didn’t understand for sure the concept of us really staying foolish and putting everything on the line.”
The Talented MisterKrisp
Moving right along, Misterkrisp—AKA Jessica Siskin—perfectly embodies this “stay foolish” principle. Jessica is a food artist and entrepreneur who makes almost anything out of Kellogg’s Rice Krispies treats for her clients.
To ignite sparks—your truest and most authentic ones—you must first find your own bone, not everyone else’s, not pop culture’s, not the market’s.
Misterkrisp knows this all too well. Jessica takes a fun, lighthearted approach to her practice. She knows the value of staying foolish.
“The number one thing that I like to focus on is remaining authentic to myself and to my brand, and sometimes that feels a little foolish. Sometimes when you’re following your heart and when you’re really–for no logical reason–feeling a certain way about something that you should do in business, that feels a little foolish. But in the end, I think remaining authentic to yourself is what makes a compelling brand. I make giant Rice Krispies treats all day long. That’s a pretty silly thing to do.”
“And now, looking at what I do, I actually am my 8-year-old dream. I just sell Rice Krispies treats. That is not a grown up job, and yet, I do it. So, I think that there is an element of childishness and the minute I began to embrace this childish attitude this whole world opened up to me and the business of MisterKrisp really came together.”
This article is the fourth in a series that focuses on the core principles of The Spark and the Grind and the individuals who embody them. Check back here for more articles in the series and connect with me across social media @ErikWahl.
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