Haris Baloch and Mehran Khan are the founders of Rifiako Media which is the biggest social media company in Balochistan, Pakistan. In Rifiako Media, there are millions of pages, which is an ever-increasing international platform that aims to the server the smiles on people’s faces through extraordinary and unique content. Rifiako Media is based in Quetta and works with national clients for their marketing, promotion, content, social media research among others, by using their experience and managing their pages and followers.
Baloch says, “If anyone wants to create popular content, they should focus on what people like, not only on what you like.”
What is the idea behind Rifiako Media?
The idea behind Rifiako Media is to harness the power of social media in real-time and use it for different purpose like marketing, information, sharing, research, etc. Rifiako Media is one of the largest publishers in Pakistan, and, every month, we receive millions of likes on our different pages and we reach billion of people.
How are you different from others?
We are different from others just as our team is under 18 and that makes our content more relatable to the audience. We connect with the young audiences easily as we know that they are looking for. We know that they will like and how to community in the world and that is our Facebook Pages. We hit millions of likes in a minimum time period, that’s the fastest media in Balochistan, Pakistan.
Do you have any extension plans?
Yes, we were expanding. Currently, we have our headquarter in Quetta, Balochistan, and we have to start our new office in Kharan, Balochistan. Soon, we are going to make our team bigger and stronger. Also, from text and images, we are moving to video content which will be a greater challenge.
What’s your vision for the company?
My vision is that, one day, Rifiako Media will be known as the largest as well as the most qualitative content publisher in the whole world.
Where do you see yourself five years down the road?
I believe that if we can imagine our next 5 years, then it’s going to be a waste of 5 years. Because if we know the limit, we can’t expand. For example, according to scientists, bumblebees shouldn’t be able to fly. But, the bees don’t know what the scientist think about them and that’s how you can see them flying high.
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