Meet The Duo Revolutionizing Arizona’s Luxury Real Estate Market

Photo credit: Ensuel Kola of Kola Photography LLC

While experts are still debating if the US real estate market is going through a boom or a bubble, there is something they agree on: The real estate industry benefited from the COVID19 pandemic.

Arizona has not been immune to this trend, which has increased the demand for quality luxury real estate to an exorbitant level. However, with big corporations still recovering from the economic struggles of the pandemic, this demand has been unsatisfied to a large extent.

It is entrepreneurs like Maximilian “Max” de Melo and Patrick Niederdrenk who have set out to satisfy this demand via MP Design and Development. Founded in early 2020, the luxury real estate development company is currently developing over 90k square feet. To date, they have sold approximately $140M in real estate, and both are listed in the top 1% of agents in Arizona.

The company has already established partnerships with strong players in the industry and built up America One Luxury Real Estate to meet the increasing demand. Max and Patrick believe they can play a major role in helping people reach their goals, with Max saying in this regard:

“Many of us understandably spent more time at home this past year and decided to remodel or upgrade our living spaces. We wanted to meet clients where they are and help them get the home of their dreams from the ground up.”

The duo has become some of the most influential figures in the development of “The Beverly Hills of Arizona”, an area they fell in love upon visiting. Since then, they have helped multiple clients get their dream homes in Paradise Valley.

The combined experience of Max and Patrick has allowed the company to experience significant growth since its inception, with their unique sense of style being one of the most attractive qualities for potential customers. Now, the company is poised for new growth by expanding its operations to new markets, bringing its unique vision for the luxury real estate industry to new areas of the United States.

With a special emphasis on design, the company assists its customers at every step of the process,  creating a one-stop shop that has earned them the trust of their clients over the years. Patrick refers to the connection they develop with their clients by saying:

“We have seen and sold dozens of high-end houses properties over the years and we have an eye for design which makes us so qualified to give clients what they want. They trust us to deliver the goods and we worked hard to gain that trust over the years.”

To the duo, revolutionizing the luxury real estate market is not about money, but a matter to provide other people with the opportunity to fall in love with the place where they live. That same feeling that took them to relocate to the United States is now the force that drives them to continue expanding their business, bringing a new ideal of passion and responsibility to a market that could really use it.

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