NFT Royalties Explained and Why They Are Important


NFT royalties are one of the most transformative aspects of the digital art world, providing creators with ongoing income from the resale of their work. This innovation has reshaped how artists profit from their creations, offering new opportunities for financial stability and creative freedom.

While there are a few challenges to consider, the benefits of NFT royalties largely outweigh the drawbacks. Let’s explore the positive impact of NFT royalties and briefly touch on the potential downsides.

The Benefits of NFT Royalties

Continuous Income for Creators:
One of the most groundbreaking advantages of NFT royalties is the ability for artists to earn income beyond the initial sale. Unlike traditional art markets, where creators profit only once, NFTs allow artists to receive a percentage of every subsequent sale.

For example, if an artist sets a 10% royalty and their NFT is resold for $10,000, they would earn $1,000 from that transaction. This continuous revenue stream is particularly valuable for digital artists, who have historically faced challenges in monetizing their work.

Fairness and Empowerment:
NFT royalties address a longstanding issue in the art world: the lack of financial benefit for artists when their work appreciates in value. Traditionally, once an artwork is sold, the creator has no claim to any future profits. NFTs change this by ensuring artists continue to benefit as their work gains value.

Efficiency Through Smart Contracts:
NFT royalties are typically managed by smart contracts—self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written into code. This automation ensures that artists receive their royalties without the need for intermediaries or lengthy negotiations. Once the royalty percentage is set, the system operates smoothly and securely, making the process efficient and stress-free for creators.

Encouraging Innovation and Quality:
The prospect of earning royalties encourages artists to produce high-quality work that maintains or increases its value over time. Knowing that future sales can bring in additional income, creators are motivated to innovate and push the boundaries of their digital expression. This has led to a surge of creativity in the NFT space, with artists exploring new forms and techniques.

The challenges

While the advantages of NFT royalties are clear, there are a few challenges to be aware of:

Inconsistent Platform Enforcement:
Not all platforms enforce royalties uniformly, which can result in artists missing out on earnings when their work is resold on marketplaces that don’t support the royalty structure.

Potential Circumvention:
Some buyers may try to bypass royalties by transacting off-platform, which can undermine the fairness of the system for artists who rely on these payments.

Crypto Market Volatility:
Since NFTs are typically bought and sold in cryptocurrencies, the value of royalties can fluctuate with the market. This adds a layer of financial uncertainty, although it can sometimes work in the artist’s favor.

Final Thoughts

Creator royalties has been somewhat of a contentious issue in recent years. The NFT platform,, famously did away with mandatory royalty enforcement which led to many others following suit to try and keep up with Blur’s market share snatch. Lost in the noise of that battle was the fact royalties for creators has always been one of the best USP’s for NFTs.

It does appear that a general consensus of royalty enforcement is positive, however. As the NFT space continues to evolve, these royalties are likely to become even more integral to the digital art ecosystem and it’s ability to thrive.

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