“Don’t be a boss, be a leader” says Rocky Lee.
True to his morals, Rocky Lee was born in Bronx but raised in Brooklyn. He knows his way around the music industry because he knew all about it from a very young age, starting out as a young entrepreneur just at the age of 18. A good music understanding is not enough to become established, the DJ has a very attractive personality which partly contributes to his success. It is very important for an individual to be around people who motivate you on a regular basis and give you a deeper insight on the hip-hop culture. Rocky has never known what it feels like to back out, it was never an option for him.
Some people are passionate about their job but some are just born to become a millionaire. Rocky Lee has practiced for years, seldom taking breaks. If not now, then never- Lee knows the importance of time, never stopping. The hustle must continue.
All that he did, he did alone, organising, coordinating, planning his next step, and funding the tour’s he where he had to perform. Entirely self made, Rocky is a true role model that young music aspirants can look up to.
There is a great joy in giving back to the community after they have supported you throughout your journey. Rocky Lee organises giveaways regularly to his 120k+ followers on Instagram, all the more reason to love him! It shows how humble he is in spite of being a million dollar manger.
There is a long path ahead of him but Rocky Lee has already come a very long way. Currently he has become a very popular name, his songs being played at parties and events. It would be no surprise if you already have his hits downloaded! Follow hi Instagram account @RockyLee_ for more exciting updates.
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